Kosteloos eerste gesprek
100% onafhankelijke financieel advies
We vergelijken ruim 40 geldverstrekkers
Telefonisch, online of op de vestiging

Services and Documents

Transparent remuneration policy 

Our employees at Van Bruggen Adviesgroep receive a fixed, market-based salary. Employees and contractors (freelancers) do not receive variable remuneration. Contractors from Van Bruggen Adviesgroep work based on an hourly declaration with a fixed fee (contact contractors for prices). Section 1: 120 paragraph 2a of the Wft (The Decree on Conduct of Business Supervision of Financial Undertakings) does not apply to our company. We direct our employees towards honest, careful and customer-oriented action, with the focus on the benefit of the customer and our company in the long term. 


Keurmerk financiele dienstverlening
KvK: 93831374
AFM: 12050038