Kosteloos eerste gesprek
100% onafhankelijke financieel advies
We vergelijken ruim 40 geldverstrekkers
Telefonisch, online of op de vestiging

Services and Documents

Transparent remuneration policy 

Our employees at Van Bruggen Adviesgroep Valkenswaard receive a fixed, market-competitive salary. Employees also receive a variable bonus, but never exceeding 20% of the fixed salary, and it is not dependent on financial criteria for more than 50%. The variable bonus was 10.5% of the fixed salary last year. Article 1:120, subsection 2a of the Financial Supervision Act (Wft) does not apply to our company. We guide our employees to act with integrity, diligence, and customer focus, with an emphasis on the long-term interests of both the customer and our company.


Keurmerk financiele dienstverlening
KvK: 62642324
AFM: 12045421